Crazy, our first month of Early Access has already passed!

Many things have happened, both personally and professionally. But let’s skip the personal part, let’s get straight to the point: is Hexia going well?

If we are to analyze it in a subjective way: yes, Hexia is doing well. Considering that we started with a pool of 29 followers on Steam (on December 21st), no Instagram, 200 likes on Facebook and a Twitter account with 400 followers. Few visits on, Game Jolt and IndieDB. In short, a very “low” context to start with Early Access, yet we have had enormous gratifications. Not numerically, but as a sense of professional fulfillment: knowing that various people, unknown to us, were playing exactly what we had created, making videos, live streams and reviews for it… it was fantastic. What until a few months ago was only in our heads and in our notebooks, was really taking shape and amusing others like us.

What if instead we analyzed it objectively? Hexia still has a long way to go and we still have to learn a lot. We are not investing in marketing, which can help in savings but certainly not in advertising your product. We are still with a team of few people (it’s always me and my brother Margiak), certainly a very “indie” factor but that doesn’t allow you to develop what we have in mind more quickly, moreover it “forces” us to look for certain figures (musicians, 2D graphic designers, etc.) in the world of freelancers. The game is not yet “ready” for a real leap in quality, we are working hard but it will take a few more months. There is still a lot to say, between positive and negative sides, but the post would be too long.

So, objectively or subjectively, is Hexia doing good or bad? He is going, this is the good thing for us. He is moving in a vast videogame market with lots of valid and very funny indie titles. He is entertaining people, which warms our hearts. It is also being hated or criticized, equally important for us because it gives us a way to understand where we are wrong or to stimulate us to move forward anyway.

We are moving. This is important, we don’t mind doing it quickly or in a “specific” way. We care to improve and have fun and entertain you who take Hexia. If you’ve read all of this, thank you. Thanks for believing in our little dream.