After careful and thorough planning, the Black Mastiff Studio website is fully operational, and it’s getting down to business by officially opening its doors to the public!

The news we have in store for you is considerable, but to at least get an idea of what the future holds, here is a list of what you might expect to find on the site:

  • Constant updates on the development of our activities.
  • News regarding events in which we will participate in the future.
  • Previews regarding our video game projects in development.
  • Insights into our already completed products.
  • Periodic articles that will go over the art of game design and screenwriting.

This portal will be the focal point of our activity; in fact, it will be used as a kind of archive: a place where every significant update regarding Black Mastiff and its products will be recorded and displayed in order.

In addition to this, events in which our group will take part in the future will also be reported, describing in detail what kind of event it will be and where you can find us.

All projects in development and that we are working on will be shown on the website, with previews, news and important updates. You will be kept up to date on what we are doing and about what is coming out in the future.

Our completed projects, on the other hand, will be explored in depth with sections and trivia about them To continue developing our skills we need to keep track of what has been done, and understand why and how certain choices were made. If all this were not enough, there will also be periodic articles that will go into everything related to the world of video game development and our work in this field.